Welcome to my website. I am interested in the diversity and biology of Bacillus subtilis phages, particularly in B. subtilis 168 prophage SPβ and its lysogeny management system.
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Robert Hertel
News 2022
Thank you for a great time, the many good examples, great new friendships and the great pleasure of being part of the Biotechnology Team in Senftenberg.

I had to disband my research group at the BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg for personal reasons and structural circumstances. In future, I will conduct my research only as a guest scientist in the Department of Genomic and Applied Microbiology at the University of Göttingen in my spare time.
I will endeavour to comply with all my collaboration obligations and to participate in the resulting publications. However, I will not start any new cooperation projects under the given circumstances.
News 2021
Congratulations Marius. We are happy we could support your research. Manufacturing triple-isotopically labeled microbial necromass to track C, N and P cycles in terrestrial ecosystems
An article in German now online: SPβ, ein Bacillus-Phage mit vielen Geheimnissen
We are trying new publishing concepts. Our first preprint is now online: The Bacillus phage SPβ and its relatives: A temperate phage model system reveals new strains, species, prophage integration loci, conserved proteins and lysogeny management components
One more paper accepted and online: Characterization of glyphosate-resistant Burkholderia anthina and Burkholderia cenocepacia isolates from a commercial Roundup® solution
Well done Ines! Paper accepted and online: Down in the pond: Isolation and characterization of a new Serratia marcescens strain (LVF3) from the surface water near frog’s lettuce (Groenlandia densa)
Well done team! Paper accepted and online: Chances and limitations when uncovering essential and non‐essential genes of Bacillus subtilis phages with CRISPR‐Cas9
05.07.2021: DECHEMA supports as on our attempt to determine the essential genes of Bacillus subtilis phage SPβ
Paper accepted: The life cycle of SPβ and related phages
We obtained a permission according to § 44 ff. of the Law on the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases in Humans (IfSG) (in Germany obligatory to work with pathogens) and now are able to expand our phage research.
Paper accepted: Molecular mechanisms underlying glyphosate resistance in bacteria. Many thanks to Fabian
Our pRH030 Cas9-plasmid for the genetic modification of Bacillus phages is now available from the AddGene repository.